Please credit Chris Banks on all images used.
Please credit Christopher Jackson on all images used.
Photos submitted by participants for 2020 event.
Please credit Coleman Camp on all images used.
Please credit R. Jeanette Martin on all 2013-2016 images used.
Search tip on the 2013-2016 galleries: The full album can be browsed chronologically or you can pull up specific images using key words. In the search bar, type 2016 TdT followed by a key word below.
Charlotte etc – places we went
action – cycling action we saw
cycling – cyclists we met
PEP – professors we met
support – support crew who helped
dedication – all we are saying, is give trees a chance
presentation – presentations, dignitaries & speakers
sponsor – sponsor images
Kask – helmets everywhere
group – group images including team shots
Warren etc – look yourself up!