Watch Previous TREE Fund Webinars Here! CEU credit is available during each live broadcast and on select recorded webinars.
We are grateful to the Alabama Cooperative Extension Program for hosting these webinars.
Biochar for Tree Growth and Water Quality: Exploring Potential in Urban and Disturbed Soils. December 2024
Dr. Rebecca Abney and Holly Campbell – University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc
Q&A coming soon from the presenters.
Research was funded and supported through TREE Fund’s Tree and Soil Research Fund Grant Program
Tree Caused Outages – What we know and what we have learned. November 2024
Dr. Greg Dahle and Cindy Musick, West Virginia University
Q and A – 11.5.24 Dahle Musick Webinar Q&A from the presenters.
Research was funded and supported through TREE Fund’s Utility Arborists Research Fund Grant Program
Predictors of Street Tree Survival in Philadelphia: Tree Traits, Biophysical Environment, and Socioeconomic Context. October 2024
Dr. Robert Fahey, University of Connecticut along with Dr. Lara Roman and Levon Bigelow
Research was funded and supported through TREE Fund’s Hyland R. Johns Grant Program.
Unlocking the Potential of Computer Vision for Urban Tree Screening. July 2024
Dr. Jose Delpiano, Universidad de los Andes in Chile
Research was funded and supported through TREE Fund’s John Z. Duling Grant Program.
Comparing Integrated Vegetation Management Treatment Options of Powerline Rights-of-Ways June 2024
Dr. Christopher Halle, Sonoma State University
Research was funded and supported through TREE Fund’s Utility Arborist Research Fund Grant Program.
Matt Follett, PhD Candidate, Labo de Christian Messier – UQAM
Q and As from Presentation
Research was funded and supported through TREE Fund’s Safe Arborist Techniques Fund Grant Program.
Analysing Timing and Causes of Individual Tree Loss after Land Development Insights for Urban Forest Management November 2023
Susan Day, PhD, and Laura Grant, University of British Columbia
Research was funded and supported through TREE Fund’s John Z. Duling Grant Program.
Identifying Social Barriers to Equitable Tree Planting September 2023
Lindsay Darling, PhD, Morton Arboretum.
Research was funded and supported through TREE Fund’s Bob Skiera Memorial Building Bridges Initiative Grant Program.
How Do Advanced Decay Detecting Devises Affect Likelihood of Failure Ratings for Trunks with Decay? August 2023
Brian Kane, PhD, University of Massachusetts-Amherst.
Research was funded and supported through TREE Fund’s Utility Arborists Research Fund Grant Program.
Characterizing the Risk of Electrical Contact to Arborists. May 2023
John Goodfellow, BioCompliance Consulting, Inc with co-presenter, John Ball, PhD, South Dakota State University.
Final Report PDF of Characterizing the Risk of Electrical Contact to Arborists.
Building Urban Tree Resiliency by Mitigating Infrastructure Techniques. March 2023
Andy Kaufman, PhD, University of Hawaii with co-presenter, Myles Ritchie, PhD candidate.
Engaging underserved populations in community tree management activities. December 2022
Jason Gordon, PhD, University of Georgia Research Foundation, Inc. with co-presenters, Ms. Alexis Martin and Dr. Tawana Mattox.
Non-invasive tree root detection. What is the state of the art? November 2022
Andrew Millward, PhD, and Justin Miron, PhD Candidate
Examining the connection between woody plant biodiversity and arthropod pest management interventions in residential landscapes September 2022 (link to video coming soon)
Chris Riley, PhD, Bartlett Tree Research Laboratories
Andrew Hirons, PhD, University Centre Myerscough, UK
The Cost-effectiveness of Integrated Vegetation Management March 2022
John W. Goodfellow, BioCompliance Consulting, Inc.
Report noted in the webinar:
New insights on the epidemiology of a phytoplasma disease that affects urban trees in Bogotá, Colombia February 2022
Liliana Franco-Lara, PhD, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Colombia
Growing Trees in Paved Sites November 2021
Alessio Fini, PhD, University of Milan
Digging into the Science of Tree Planting and Removing Packaging Materials October 2021
Richard Hauer, PhD, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point
Andrew Koeser, PhD, University of Florida
Jason Miesbauer, PhD, The Morton Arboretum
Papers noted during the webinar:
Long term effects of the electrical rights-of-way vegetation management on floral and faunal communities September 2021
Carolyn Mahan, PhD, Penn State Altoona
A Three Pronged Approach to understanding defensive mechanisms in Green Ash resistant to EAB July 2021
Jeanne Romero-Severson, PhD, University of Notre Dame
Why do some trees transplant better than others? A look at some new research on water uptake June 2021
Nina Bassuk, PhD, Cornell University
Dan Kneeshaw, PhD, University of Quebec, Montreal
A free download of SEGMA the tree delineation software can be found at
Planning for the Next Three Letter Urban Tree Canopy Changer: Lessons Learned with DED, EAB, ETC. April 2021
Richard Hauer, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Loading a Tie-in Point While Climbing February 2021
Brian Kane, PhD, University of Massachusetts-Amherst
CEU from the International Society of Arboriculture is available for this recorded webinar. Please watch the recording first, then complete this 20 question quiz. Your accuracy of 80% (16 questions) or higher will earn you one ISA CEU credit. Once you complete the quiz, TREE Fund will submit your results to ISA on your behalf.
Measuring multi-stemmed trees October 2020
Yasha A. S. Magarik, DC Department of Transportation, Urban Forestry Division
Lara Roman, PhD, Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service, Philadelphia Field Station, Northern Research Station
Soil Assessment for Urban Trees—Part 2 Actions September 2020
Bryant Scharenbroch, PhD, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point
Supporting Materials: Webinar Slides
Enhancing Tree Health in Water Sensitive Urban Design: Role of Mycorrhizae July 2020
Brandon Winfrey, PhD, Monash University
Protecting trees from construction impacts June 2020
Andrew Koeser, PhD, University of Florida
James Urban, FASLA
Research citations:
Hilbert†, D.R., E. North, R.J. Hauer,A.K. Koeser, D.C. Mclean, R.J. Northrop, M. Andreu, and S. Parbs. 2020. Predicting trunk flare diameter to prevent tree damage to infrastructure. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 49:126645.
Benson†, A.R.,A.K. Koeser, and J. Morgenroth. 2019. Responses of mature roadside trees to root severance treatments.Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 46:126448.
Benson†, A.R.,A.K. Koeser, and J. Morgenroth. 2019. A test of tree protection zones: Responses of Quercus virginiana Mill. trees to root severance treatments. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening. 38:54-63.
Fighting Microbes with Microbes to Protect Our Native Trees June 2020
Rachael Antwis, Phd, University of Salford
The Calm Before: Tree Adjustments to Wind & Ice Storm Loads June 2020
Kim D. Coder, PhD, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Georgia
Supporting materials: Supporting Literature/Reference List
Sidewalks, Urban Plazas and Tree Roots May 2020
E. Thomas Smiley, PhD, Bartlett Tree Research Lab
A simple technique for online street tree inventories – it is right for my community? April 2020
Adam Berland, PhD, Ball State University
Supporting materials: Webinar Slides
Why do Tree Branches Fail March 2020
Greg Dahle, PhD, Associate Professor, West Virginia University
Soil Assessment for Urban Trees January 2020
Bryant C. Scharenbroch, PhD, Assistant Professor of Soil Science, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point, Research Fellow of The Morton Arboretum
Health Benefits of City Trees: Research Evidence & Economic Values November 2019
Kathleen Wolf, PhD, University of Washington
Supporting materials: Webinar Slides
More of Dr. Wolf’s research can be found at, and the Green Cities: Good Health project at:
The Landscape Architect in the Nursery: Tagging Trees and Enforcing Specifications September 2019
James Urban, Urban Trees + Soils, and Paul Josey, Wolf Josey Landscape Architects
Supporting materials: Webinar Slides, Webinar Q&A
Can We Vaccinate Trees to Protect Against Diseases? August 2019
Dr. Glynn Percival, Manager, UK and Ireland Bartlett Tree Research and Diagnostic Laboratory based at the University of Reading, UK
Supporting materials: Webinar Slides
Remediating Compacted Soils Compromised by Urban Construction June 2019
Nina Bassuk, PhD, Cornell University
Supporting materials: Webinar Slides
Links from Dr. Bassuk’s webinar:
Cornell Soil Health Testing website
Cornell Nutrient Analysis Lab (compost testing)
“Long-term remediation of compacted urban soils by physical fracturing and incorporation of compost,” by Miles Schwartz Sax, Nina Bassuk, Harold van Es and Don Rakow
Dr. Bassuk’s website
Cultivating Innovation — Documenting 15 Years of TREE Fund Research Impact May 2019
Andrew Koeser, PhD, University of Florida, and Richard Hauer, PhD, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point
The Salt Dilemma: Growing Better Urban Trees in Northern Climates February 2019
James Urban, FASLA, Urban Trees + Soils; Andrew Millward, PhD, Ryerson University; Adam Nicklin,
Reducing Tree (and Soil!) Damage During Construction December 2018
Nina Bassuk, PhD, Cornell University
Supporting material: Webinar presentation slides
Emerald Ash Borer: Strategies for Conserving Ash in the Urban Forest November 2018
Dan Herms, PhD, The Davey Tree Expert Company
Supporting material: Webinar presentation slides
Arboricultural Biomechanics August 2018
Brian Kane, PhD, University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Supporting material: Dr. Kane’s answers to questions posed during webinar
Utility Arborist Research Fund: Work in Progress, Work to Come May 2018
J. Eric Smith, TREE Fund and Dr. Christopher Halle, Sonoma State University
Supporting materials: Presentation was very large so has been uploaded in four parts:
Invasive insects in Shade Trees: A 30-year Perspective from Colorado May 2018
Whitney Cranshaw, PhD, Colorado State University
Do Planting Stock Decisions Really Make Much Difference Down the Road? February 2018
Michael Arnold, PhD, Texas A&M University
Drought Tolerance in Trees — Improving Tree Selection for Challenging Urban Sites November 2017
Andrew Hirons, PhD, Myerscough College, U.K.
Tree Species Selection Guide (based on this research)
Municipal Forestry Baseline, Trends, and Dashboard September 2017
Dr. Richard Hauer, PhD, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point
Soil Profile Rebuilding: Rehabilitating Compacted Soils June 2017
Susan Day, PhD, Virginia Tech
Supporting materials: webinar presentation slides and Dr. Day’s website (referenced in webinar)
Tree Risk Assessment – Perceptions, Reality, and Reliability April 2017
Andew Koeser, PhD, University of Florida
Soil Compaction and Urban Trees: Strategies for Gaining Ground November 2016
Bryant Scharenbroch, PhD, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point
Supporting materials:
- Webinar presentation slides
- “Biochar and Biosolids Increase Tree Growth and Improve Soil Quality for Urban Landscapes,” Journal of Environmental Quality
- “Distinguishing urban soils with physical, chemical, and biological properties,” Pedo biologia
- “Wood Chips and Compost Improve Soil Quality and Increase Growth of Acer rubrum and Betula nigra in Compacted Urban Soil,” Arboriculture & Urban Forestry
An Approach to Pruning You Won’t Forget May 2016
Ed Gilman, PhD, University of Florida
Strategies for Successful Urban Tree Growth in Wet and Dry Sites September 2015
Nina Bassuk, PhD, Cornell University
Emerald Cash Borer: It Will Cost You Money-Ways to Manage the Ash Cash Flow April 2015
Rich Hauer, PhD, University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point