Sunday, August 10 to Saturday, August 16, 2025
Grand Rapids, MI to Grand Rapids, MI
Registration open January 16 until June 10
About the Ride and FAQs
The Tour des Trees is an annual long-distance cycling adventure which serves as the primary public outreach and community engagement event for Tree Research and Education Endowment Fund (TREE Fund). Since 1992, Tour des Trees riders have cycled through communities in the U.S., Canada, and the U.K., planting trees, educating children and shining a light on the work done by arboriculture professionals and the importance of science-based tree care. The 2025 Tour des Trees will take place from Sunday, August 10 to Saturday, August 16.
The Tour des Trees serves to advance TREE Fund’s mission to explore and share the science of trees contributing to the lives of people, communities, economies, and the environment, and of the planning, planting, and sustainability of urban and community trees. TREE Fund research has produced better ways to plant and care for urban trees, making them more resilient, more resistant to pests, and less prone to failure. The Tour also supports education programs aimed at connecting young people with the environment and career opportunities in green industries. TREE Fund has been able to award more than $5.4 million in grant and scholarship funding since 2002, and the Tour des Trees has been a key component in the organization’s ongoing success.
Full-Tour cyclists commit to raising at least $3,700 for TREE Fund; part-time riders have reduced commitments.
The links below provide key information for riders, volunteers, donors, and those considering participating in or supporting the event. We hope to see you on the Tour this year!
Quick Links:
Our Partners – Event expenses are defrayed by TREE Fund’s generous partners.
Registration – Sign up for the ride or the virtual event.
Fundraising – The Tour des Trees is the primary fundraising event for TREE Fund
Donating – Make a donation to a rider or chapter!
Volunteering – Volunteers are an essential part of the Tour des Trees!
New Rider and Participant Information – Information for new riders and addition pre-ride information.
FAQs – Answers to your questions.