Seeking nominations for Ken Ottman Volunteer Award
The Ken Ottman Volunteer Award is given annually to an individual whose contributions on behalf of TREE Fund are exemplary; previous recipients of the award are listed below. The Ottman Award does not exclusively recognize accomplishments for the prior twelve months. A committee of former recipients chaired by Jim Barborinas reviews nominations and makes the final award. Toward this end, we are seeking your nomination(s), should you have one or any, for this important recognition. If you would like to nominate one or more recipients, please send an email to Barbara Duke with the following information by April 30, 2018:
- Name of the person you are nominating:
- How the nominee supports the mission of TREE Fund (50-250 words):
- Which TREE Fund activities did the nominee participate in or support: Board of Trustees, TREE Fund Committees, Special Events, Fundraising
- Provide a brief quote describing why this nominee should receive the Ken Ottman Award (100 words max.) (May be used in TREE Fund publications):
We plan to announce this year’s recipient at TREE Fund After Hours held at the ISA International Conference in August.
Previous Ottman Award Winners:
2017: Hallie Dozier and Frazer Pehmoeller
2016: Beth Buchanan
2015: Dick Rideout
2014: Warren Hoselton
2013: Terrill Collier and Wendy Robinson
2012: Michael Neal
2011: John Lloyd
2010: Jim Zwack
2009: John W. Goodfellow
2008: Jim Barborinas