New Research Grants for 2012 Announced: Winter 2012

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The TREE Fund Board of Trustees recently approved funding for the following new research projects:

John Z. Duling Grants ($10,000)

Dr. Edward Gilman, University of Florida

Dr. Edward Gilman, University of Florida

Tree Response to Pruning Cuts on Branches that Lack Collars

Dr. Gilman’s research seeks to discover how cut size and angle affects branches without a visible branch collar, facilitating recommendations for pruning to limit the advance of discolored and decayed wood.

Dr. Gary Watson, The Morton Arboretum

Dr. Gary Watson, The Morton Arboretum

Utilizing Space Age Digital Strain Measurement Technology to Identify Zones of Mechanical Weakness in Trees

Dr. Watson is studying the applicability of NASA’s ARAMIS stereophotogrammetry technology to improving our understanding of tree biomechanics and more accurately identifying zones of weakness and potential failure in trees.


Jack Kimmel International Grants

Matt Follett, University of Quebec at Montreal
Matt Follett, University of Quebec at Montreal

Effect of Pruning Type on Crown Motion

Mr. Follett’s project investigates the effect of thinning and reduction pruning on the dynamic motion of tree crowns. His objective is to provide improved best-practices recommendations for crown pruning, resulting in decreased crown-related failures in mature urban trees.
Dr. Alessio Fini, University of Florence
Dr. Alessio Fini, University of Florence

Effects of root severance by excavation on growth, physiology and uprooting resistance of two urban tree species

Dr. Fini is studying the effects of root damage on tree growth, stability and physiology, comparing two species thought to differ in tolerance to root manipulation, and investigating how localized root damage affects the leaf gas exchange of the entire canopy.




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