Evaluation of the load-bearing capacity of temporary anchor points in living trees

2006 | Andreas Detter and Erk Brudi, Bundi & Partner TreeConsult
The failure of temporary anchor points in a tree is one of the major risks faced by practicing arborists. Little is known about required minimum diameters of limbs and branches when subjected to loads generated from climbing and dismantling trees. This research project performed on-site winching tests to fracture branches and limbs of different diameters. The following mechanical properties were determined: stiffness, elastic limit and modulus of rupture.
The study results help specify the strength of branches and limbs that serve as anchor points during tree climbing and rigging operations and results are also possibly of interest to other applications within the arboricultural industry, such as snow and ice damages, summer branch drop, crown support systems, and leisure structures like canopy walks, challenge courses, tree houses.

Year: 2006

Funding Duration: 3-5 years

Grant Program: Hyland Johns

Grant Title: Evaluation of the Load-bearing Capacity of Temporary Anchor Points in Living Trees

Researcher: Andreas Detter

Key words: Climbing anchor points; branch strength;

Peer Reviewed Publications from Grant:

  • Detter, A., C. Cowell, L. McKeown, and P. Howard. 2008. Evaluation of current rigging and dismantling practices used in arboriculture. Research Report. HSE Books. Norwich, UK: Health and Safety Executive, UK.View the Research Report >

General Audience/Trade Publications: none

Presentations: none

For more information on this project, contact the researcher via TREE Fund at treefund@treefund.org.