Reliability of wood decay indicators for estimation of decay and risk in urban trees

2006 | Christopher Luley and David Nowak, USDA Forest Service, SUNY Syracuse University

This project provided quantitative data on the frequency and reliability of decay indicators, an evaluation of the ability of arborists to predict decay based on visual assessment of these indicators, and data to support the development of a process to assess decay in urban trees. The project also estimated the frequency decay in urban street trees, and frequency of decay putting trees in elevated risk for failure.

Year: 2006

Funding Duration: 3-5 years

Grant Program: Hyland Johns

Grant Title: Reliability of Wood Decay Indicators for Estimation of Decay and Risk in Urban Trees

Researcher: Christopher Luley

Key words: decay; indicators; risk assessment; safety

Peer Reviewed Publications from Grant:

  • Luley, Christopher J., David J. Nowak, and Eric J. Greenfield. 2009. Decay, defects and condition of street trees in four upstate New York cities. City Trees May/June: 22-25. View the Publication >
  • Luley, Christopher J., Nowak, David J., and Eric J. Greenfield. 2009. Frequency and severity of trunk decay in street tree maples in four New York cities. Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 35(2):94-99. View the Publication >

General Audience/Trade Publications: none

Presentations: none

For more information on this project, contact the researcher via TREE Fund at