Can improved urban soil management result in increased soil carbon storage and greater tree growth?

2008 | Susan Day, Virginia Tech
Determine if soil restoration practices improve carbon storage and find the most economically viable and beneficial restoration treatment in terms of carbon sequestration and tree response.

Year: 2008

Funding Duration: 3-5 years

Grant Program: Hyland R. Johns

Grant Title: Can Improved Urban Soil Management Result in Increased Soil Carbon Storage and Greater Tree Growth?

Researcher: Susan Day

Key words: urban soil management; soil carbon; microbial biomass

Peer Reviewed Publications from Grant: Chen, Y., S.D. Day, A.F. Wick, B.D. Strahm, P.E. Wiseman, and W.L. Daniels. 2013. Changes in soil carbon pools and microbial biomass from urban land development and subsequent post-development soil rehabilitation. Soil Biology and Biochemistry (in press,

General Audience/Trade Publications: none

Presentations: none

For more information on this project, contact the researcher via TREE Fund at